The Awareness Podcast
Welcome to The Awareness Podcast, where we discuss integrating spiritual awakening in everyday life with teachings and interviews of teachers at the cutting edge of spiritual evolution. Listen in for insights and practices to help remove the obstacles to Self-realization, inner peace and happiness. Brought to you by the Center for Awakening. To learn more about the Center for Awakening, go to
The Awareness Podcast
Living in Not-Knowing with Jenny Beal and Joost Vanhove: A Holistic Path to Happiness
In her final episode for the Awareness Podcast, Jenny talks with Joost Vanhove about his spiritual journey which involved exploration of a very wide range of ideas, methods and teachings. His keen interest in spirituality was initiated by repeated childhood experiences of expansion and oneness. It wasn’t until his teens that by chance he discovered the writings of a 14th Century Belgian mystic which confirmed for him the reality of what he had experienced.
Joost describes and gives examples of the way language influences our thought processes. Jenny and Joost discuss the role of language in the spiritual path and difficulties and pitfalls in trying to understand the ancient texts and the writings of non-living sages. We agree that much more can be transmitted in face-to-face communication with a living teacher.
Joost goes on to share how over a long period he came to create his self-development model using ideas from many different traditions and from friends on the spiritual path. He describes the meaning and content of the four pillars of this model – Perception, Acceptance, Vision, Action. We discuss how this fits with the Direct Path teaching of his teacher, Francis Lucille, and the principle of living in not-knowing.
If you've enjoyed Jenny Beal, we invite you to join her live for her new weekly sessions: The Path to Understanding, exclusively in our Evolve Community. Jenny will use a mix of guided contemplations, experiments, meditation and dialogue to explore and deepen our understanding of our true nature, and discover what happens when we live our normal lives from that understanding. Visit here for details and to join:
Did you take Lisa Natoli's 40 Day Program for Transformation? Then you won't want to miss Center for Awakening's new free program: The 40 Day Everyday.
Over the course of 7 Days you will learn how to use some of the teachings from A Course in Miracles to give you a new way to interact with your day to day life.
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Original music by Omashar